Custom Work
Color Cast® was designed as a robust process to allow for custom work.
We love starting a dialogue. Door hardware customization has previously often been inaccessible to designers because form meets 150+ years of changing mechanical standards. We overcome this with manual machining. Simply purchase our fitment kit and we will machine your shafts to whatever diameter is required to fit your existing backing hardware.
Right now we have more than fifteen extraordinary patterns in five colors, but that is not a limitation. We encourage custom work to help home owners and designers bring their own ideas to life.
Many clients have wanted to duplicate their own patterns that hold personal significance like a family heirloom from an ancestral home while others have simply required one single duplicate to create a matching set (in form) for a single rare original.
For jobs that require custom molding, the price is $150 for the sample knob which includes mold creation. Price for subsequent polished knobs in a variety of colors is $75 with a two week turn around time.